
How to Clean a Yoga Mat

Here’s how to clean a yoga mat:

There are three ways on how to clean a yoga mat: by lightly hand washing, submerging it in a tub and hand washing, or washing it in the washing machine.

how to clean a yoga mat
How to clean a yoga mat

How to clean a yoga mat by handwashing

If your mat is only slightly soiled, spray it with a solution of water and a very small bit of mild dish soap. Use a clean, damp sponge or clean terry cloth rag. Wash the entire mat. Use a clean cloth, only dampened with clean water, to wipe the mat. Dry with a towel, then let air dry.

How to clean a yoga mat by handwashing in bathtub

If you haven’t washed your mat in a long time or it is particularly soiled, you may want to do a more heavy duty cleaning of your yoga mat. Fill your bathtub with warm water and a bit of mild detergent. Submerge the yoga mat and hand wash it using a clean cloth. Rinse with clean water. Towel dry then let air dry.

How to clean a yoga mat by machine washing

Put the yoga mat by itself into the washing machine and using a mild detergent for delicates, run it through the gentle or delicates cycle. Let air dry.

It is important to keep your yoga mat clean, but do not over wash your your yoga mat.

One way to speed up the drying process is to roll up your mat with a towel and squeeze excess water out.

Whatever method you choose to clean a yoga mat, be sure your yoga mat is completely dry before rolling it up. In between classes, it is actually a good idea to hang your mat rather than leave it rolled up.

And that is how to clean a yoga mat!

Cleaning up the Clutter

Cleaning up the Clutter

cleaning up the clutter
Cleaning up the Clutter

When trying to keep your home neat and tidy, cleaning up the clutter is the first thing to do. Better yet, don’t let clutter accumulate in the first place! The best way to reduce or avoid clutter altogether is to handle each thing only once. Instead of dropping dirty clothes on the floor only to have to pick it up later and put it in the laundry hamper, put them directly into the laundry basket. Put things away the first time. It takes you less time to do it right the first time than having to come back and put clutter away later.

If you find putting stuff away in the first place is too tough for you, you may want to have a designated clutter area – perhaps a bin in a closet or a specific place on the kitchen counter. Be sure to periodically put away the things at your clutter spot. Once you are in the habit of putting your clutter in your designated place, you may find it easier to gradually start putting things away instead of in the clutter spot.

In many cases, once you start eliminating clutter, you will find it easier to keep your house clean, as a sense of pride in a clean home can be encouraging for everyone in the home.

Have fun cleaning up the clutter!

How to Clean an Iron

Here’s how to clean an iron:

How to Clean an Iron
How to Clean an Iron

Keeping your iron clean is important so you don’t transfer dirt or gunk from the hot iron to the material you are ironing. To keep your iron in good working condition, you should read the manufacturer’s manual that came with your iron.

Be sure to start with a cool iron. Trying to clean a warm or hot iron is not only dangerous, but your cleaning efforts would be ineffective on the hot surface.

If the surface of the iron plate is oily, use a clean cloth dampened with ammonia or window cleaner then use another clean cloth dampened with water to wipe off the iron plate. A clean cloth dampened with vinegar can also be used instead of window cleaner.

If the iron plate has wax-like dirt on it, you can turn the iron into a hot settling and use a scrunched up newspaper to wipe the iron plate. Let the iron cool then wipe it with a clean cloth dampened with water.

To clean in the holes on the iron plate, use a cotton swab dampened with ammonia or window cleaner then wipe holes again with cotton swabs dampened with water. Do not use any sharp objects to scrape or clean the holes in the iron plate. The surface may get scratched.

To clean the water reservoir in your iron, fill it with one part vinegar and one part water. Turn on the iron to get it hot. Let it steam for a few minutes, and use the spray feature. Turn the iron off and let it cool. Empty any remaining liquid from the reservoir. Add water to the reservoir and turn the iron back on. Let it steam for a few minutes and use the spray feature. Turn off the iron and let it cool. Empty the reservoir. You can repeat the water steps if you want to be completely sure there is no vinegar left in your iron.

To clean the rest of your iron, use a clean cloth dampened with ammonia, window cleaner, general purpose cleaner or vinegar. Wipe all surfaces.

And that’s how to clean an iron!

How to clean thermal paste off a CPU

Here’s how to clean thermal paste off a CPU:

clean thermal paste
Use a coffee filter and isopropyl alcohol to clean thermal paste off a CPU

The best way to clean thermal paste off a CPU is to use isopropyl alcohol (as high a percent as possible like 90%) and a coffee filter. Using something like Q-tips or tissues can leave behind small hairs or fibers. Coffee filters leave nothing behind. Get the coffee filter damp with solution and wipe the thermal paste. Alcohol prep pads (for site injections) can be used as well. They are convenient and perfectly sized.

If you are having a tough time cleaning the thermal paste from a CPU, try using fingernail polish remover and a Q-tip. The fingernail polish remover should be the basic acetone kind with no additives or fragrances. Once you have cleaned the thermal paste off a CPU, wipe the area with the isopropyl alcohol and coffee filter, or with the alcohol prep pad. Dry the area with a quick spray of canned air which will dry any dampness and blow away any fibers that may be left from the Q-tip. And that is how to clean thermal paste off a CPU.

How to Clean TOMS Shoes

How to Clean TOMS shoes:

There are a couple of ways to wash your TOMS which will keep them looking their best: handwashing or machine washing. Firstly, brush off all the dried on dirt from the shoes.

  • Handwashing  Soak the shoes in cold water and a small squirt of mild liquid dish soap. Using a small, soft bristle brush, gently brush the shoe material in a scrubbing motion. If your TOMS are the sparkly ones, be very careful to use the brush in the same direction as the sequins lay.
  • Machine washing Use the most gentle cycle on your washing machine. Select cold water and use a small amount of gentle detergent. When the water level is high enough to fully cover the shoes, add the shoes.

It is best not to put your TOMS in the dryer. The dryer can tear the fabric. The most recommended way to dry them is to air dry. You can stuff a fabric softener sheet in each shoe while they dry. This will help to alleviate shoe odors. Some people use baking soda in a sachet to deodorize the shoes, however, do not pour baking soda directly into your TOMS as this can dry out the insole.

And that is how to clean TOMS shoes!

How to get rid of dishwasher odor

How to Get Rid of Dishwasher Odor

Dishwasher odor can be really disgusting. Here’s how to get rid of dishwasher odor:

How to Get Rid of Dishwasher smells
How to Get Rid of Dishwasher Odor

In the bottom of your dishwasher, sprinkle some borax and leave it overnight. The next day, wipe down the inside of the dishwasher, door, and all other surfaces using a damp sponge or cloth. No need to rinse the surfaces, just do the next load of dishes.

And that’s how to get rid of dishwasher odor!

How to clean your kitchen drain once per month

It is a good idea to clean your kitchen sink drain once per month using this simple method. Pour a handful of baking soda into the drain and then add 1/2 cup of white vinegar. These ingredients will combine and form a small erupting volcano. Cover the drain for several minutes. Uncover and then rinse with cold water after 1/2 hour.

How to clean off tree sap from an unfinished wood deck

How to Clean Off Tree Sap from an Unfinished Wood Deck

How to Clean Off Tree Sap from an Unfinished Wood Deck
How to Clean Off Tree Sap from an Unfinished Wood Deck

It is hard to enjoy time on your deck if it is covered in tree sap! Here’s how to clean off tree sap from your unfinished wood deck. Apply mineral spirits with an old rag. Rub the area well and then wash the area off with dishwashing liquid and hot water (approximately 1 tsp of dishwashing liquid to 1 quart of hot water). Rinse the area well with clean water.

Now that you know how to clean off tree sap from an unfinished wood deck, you can enjoy beautiful sunny summer days on a clean deck!

After carpet cleaning

There are some steps to follow after carpet cleaning.

After carpet cleaning, follow these suggestions:

  • set up fans to blow across the carpets to help speed up the drying process

    after carpet cleaning
    After carpet cleaning
  • be sure you have windows open or you’ve turned on your heat (furnace) or air conditioner
  • do not move any furniture back onto the carpet until it is completely dry
  • put a small piece of plastic under furniture feet on chairs, tables couches etc if the furniture has any metal under the feet. If the metal gets wet, it can rust and leave a rust spot on the carpet.
  • do not walk on the carpet with dirty shoes or feet. It is a good idea to wash the bottoms of any indoor shoes that you are going to walk on the carpet with.
  • do not put towels, newspapers, sheets etc. on the carpet
  • be careful on hard floors like linoleum because they will be slippery
  • after the carpet is completely dry, vacuum.

After carpet cleaning, follow these simple steps to ensure proper drying and to get the best carpet cleaning results possible.


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