
Cleaning Your Sneakers

Cleaning Your Sneakers

Getting your sneakers squeaky clean can be a challenge since cleaning your sneakers is not really the top of anyones to do list.  However, the state of your footwear says a lot about you so cleaning your sneakers should be an important part of your personal hygiene and appearance routine.


how to clean your sneakers, how to clean sneakers
Cleaning Your Sneakers

Sometimes you just need to take a break from wearing your cherished pair of sneakers and let air carry the smell out. If odors become extreme, here’s what you can try:

  • Remove the insoles of your shoes and shut them in a box containing baking soda. The strength of the odor determines how long the insoles need to be kept in there, but keep in mind that the longer they stay in there, the less odor they will have when you remove them. Set a time period yourself.
  • A quick easy trick is to remove insoles and let them dry out between uses, never wear the same shoes two days in a row (a great excuse to go buy some more shoes).  Letting them dry out between uses will help with the smell and help extend the life of the shoes.
  • There are many shoes sprays you can use as well, or fabric sprays like Lysol fabric mist.
  • Another quick tip is to stuff a dryer sheet into your shoes after use.

One product sneakerheads swear by is retaW’s sneaker spray. Made in Japan, the stuff has masculine spicy mint.


Laces deserve to be as clean as the rest of your sneakers. Clean them well and you may have people complimenting you on your new shoes.

dirty shoelaces
Cleaning Your Sneakers and dirty laces

If machine washing (likely the fastest and easiest method), wash them in cold water with like colours, in a pillowcase or a fabric bag meant for delicates so the laces don’t get tangled up in the other clothes or under the washing machine agitator.

If hand washing, fill the sink up with warm water and let the laces soak for 30-45 seconds.

Put a bar of soap to those laces when you remove them from the water and rub it thoroughly over the laces, making sure you cover all the dirtiness. If you lack a soap bar (or if that method doesnt work for getting the stubborn dirt to leave), you can scrub the laces with a small amount of dish soap. After scrubbing the laces, let them soak again in the water for 30-45 seconds. Squeeze the water out of the laces and strategically lay them out on a towel to dry for maximum results.

For really dirty white laces you can soak in a bleach and water solution, but bleach will weaken the fibers and if the laces are so far gone that only bleach will work then maybe new laces are the best option.

If white laces still require more cleaning, you can sprinkle baking soda on them, scrub them thoroughly and let them soak for another 30 seconds before drying.

When it comes to laces, it is best to not wring your laces if they are flat in shape (like laces on Converse most running shoe laces are round in shape). In order to get flat laces free of excess water, pinch the lace with your index finger and thumb and drag down the length of the lace to push the water out of the fabric.

Cleaning the Body of your Sneakers

It is best to clean sneakers as soon as possible after getting them dirty. If you clean them right away, you will often be successful at getting rid of all the dirt using just a cloth and water. For tougher challenges have a couple of different brushes on hand, even a clean toothbrush works.

Start with a clean bowl of water. Apply the solution (either your store bought solution or a mixture of dishsoap and water) onto the bristles of a wet brush. Dip the brush in the water and start scrubbing until the cleaner start to foam up. Wipe it clean. You could use any old towel or T-shirt, but if you use a microfiber towel, you’ll definitely have better results. There are some high-end sneaker cleaners you can use. Jason Markk makes a premium sneakers cleaner.

A quick method to clean shoes soles is to use a Magic eraser. Use a microfiber cloth and water to rinse any film after using the magic eraser. This is a great quick way to do a cleaning of the hard soles of any sneakers.

Be Sure to Brush

shoe brush
Cleaning your sneakers with soft bristle brush

What it really comes down to is the bristle. If you have a shoe with a cotton mesh upper, the mesh is going to pill up when you use a stiffer bristle, so have a couple of different softer and harder brushes on hand.

The brush definitely plays a huge part. It is recommended that you have both standard and hog bristle brushes because sometimes you need that extra stiffness of the bristle to really get in there and clean.

What To Do with Suede

cleaning your sneakers
Cleaning Suede Shoes or Sneakers

Suede protector is recommended for suede shoes. Before applying suede protector, be sure the shoes are clean and dry. Letting the shoes air dry for at least 24 hours is best. Then you’re good for about eight to ten months, depending on shoe usage. For materials like leather and suede, try a spray from a trusted source, like New Balance. However, all shoes stores will have good leather and suede protectors for shoes.

If your suede shoes get dirty in spite of suede protector, use a soft bristle brush to gently agitate the dirt off the shoe. Be sure the shoe and dirt are completely dry before doing this so you don’t spread the dirt around on the shoe instead of having it fall off.

The Ideal On-the-Go Solution

Always carry wet wipes in your car. Wet wipes are a very quick easy way to touch up stains as they happen.  If you drop something on your shoe at lunch, pull out a handy wet wipe and presto, shoe is clean and you don’t have to worry about the stain drying and setting making it harder to remove later.

If you own them, you need to be cleaning your sneakers. They will look better and last longer if taken care of.

How to Clean Stove Burner Pans

How to Clean Stove Burner Pans

If you have an electric stove with metal catch pans, here are some ideas on how to clean stove burner pans (how to clean stove element pans and how to clean gas stove burner tops as well) Â and make them shine once more.

how to clean stove element pans, how to clean gas stove burner tops
How to Clean Stove Burner Pans

Throwing them in the dishwasher after a spill is likely the easiest way but if you are moving into a rental unit for example, where the cleaning has been poor and you want to get the stove top cleanliness up to a high standard, here are some ways to do so.

Baked on food on a stove top or element pan is one of the most difficult things to clean. Soaking the pans is really your first and easiest choice for how to clean stove burner pans, using hot water and dish soap. Let soak as long as you can then use a scour pad to remove as much  cooked on food as possible.

An essential item to have in your kitchen is a kitchen scraper (hard plastic scraper – See below) that can be used to remove any cooked on food from cookie sheets to pots and pans. You can use the scraper on practically any surface with food gunk stuck on it. It is a good first choice before bringing out the heavy chemicals. Using oven cleaners or strong chemicals like ammonia should be your last resort.

kitchen scrapers
Kitchen Scrapers

Typically, oven cleaners contain lye (sodium hydroxide) which is corrosive and will damage exposed skin so always wear gloves when using these products.

Ammonia can also be used for heavy duty burnt on food removal. However, ammonia is toxic to aquatic animals and it is classified as dangerous for the environment. Always try to use good old fashioned elbow grease and less toxic chemicals first before bringing out the heavy guns.

That being said, sometimes just plain effort is just not enough. If that is the case for your element pans, try this for a speed cleaning tip, but only use one cleaning chemical or the other, NOT both:

  • Put your element pans in a plastic bag and put a little ammonia OR oven cleaner (never use both) in the bag and seat it.
  • Leave overnight.
  • In a well ventilated area and wearing gloves, remove pans from bag and rinse well.
  • Scrub any remaining stuck on food with the kichen scrubber or plastic kitchen scraper.

Learning how to clean stove burner pans can help you keep your kitchen clean. It is easy to do if you just follow the above steps.

How to Clean a Toilet

How to Clean a Toilet

It is important to know how to clean a toilet properly.

Start with getting your cleaning supplies together.


how to clean a toilet
How to Clean a Toilet
  • Clean, dry cloths/rags
  • Glass or multi-surface cleaner
  • Toilet bowl cleanser (liquid or powder)
  • Toilet bowl brush

Steps for how to clean a toilet:

  1. Fold your cleaning cloth in quarters so you can rotate the cloth to a clean dry surface after you clean each area.
  2. Start with the handle and tank. Spray your glass or multi-surface cleaner on the surface and wipe with your dry cloth, cleaning the surface but being sure the surface isn’t too wet since you want to be able to polish the surface dry. Do not clean the lid, seat or any other area of the toilet before cleaning the handle and tank or you will be spreading around germs from the dirtier areas to the areas that typically aren’t as dirty.
  3. Move to the lid and seat. Apply your cleaner and use a clean, dry surface of your cloth to clean and polish dry. The seat is likely the most dirty surface and often you will have to use more cleaner and/or more cleaning cloths than with other parts of the toilet.
  4. On to the toilet bowl. Sprinkle cleanser in the bowl, making sure you cover the entire bowl, sides of the bowl included. Dip your brush in the toilet water to wet it then sprinkle cleanser on it as well. Scrub in a circular motion starting at the top of the bowl and working your way down to the bottom of the water in the bowl. Once done, shake the excess water off of your brush and flush the toilet afterwards to rid yourself of germs that could crawl back up onto the toilet. Remember to scrub under the rim of the bowl. Many people miss this area and as a result, it becomes an area for unpleasant guests to thrive. Also, scrubbing from top to bottom of the bowl is a more effective way of cleaning because the toilet water becomes cloudy and dirt-filled if you start at the bottom. Contaminated water is not a good way to remove germs.
  5. Finish by applying cleaner to the outside of the bowl and clean the front and sides of the bowl using the same technique.
  6. Using a clean, dry cloth, you can touch up and polish dry any area of the toilet where there is excess cleaner which should leave you with a sparkling fresh toilet.

With the proper supplies and technique, it should take no more than two to three minutes to clean a toilet.

how to clean a toilet
Pumice stone

If you have troublesome bowl stains that your standard cleaner cannot remove, using a commercial acid based bowl cleaner will usually do the trick. This can be found at any janitorial supply store. You can also use a pumice stone designed for toilet bowls if you don’t want to use harsh chemicals on tough stains.

Following the above steps on how to clean a toilet will keep it fresh and clean!

How to Clean Fruits and Vegetables

How to Clean Fruits and Vegetables

When thinking about how to clean fruits and vegetables, buying a bottle of cleaner that you see in the produce area of the grocery store may be an option. However, you can easily make your own mixture for a fraction of the cost.

Edible Exteriors

Fruits and vegetables have either edible outsides or not. The benefit of eating the skins of apples, potatoes, zucchini and cucumber, for example, are that you get fiber in your diet. However, the downfall is some fruits and vegetables skins may have been exposed to pesticides. Even if you wash the outside of the fruit or vegetable reallly well, you may not be able to completely get rid of the residual pesiticides. Not good!

This is why it is recommended that you buy organic fruits and vegetables if you plan to eat the skin. It is not as big a deal when you are not eating the outsides like on a banana or an onion.


You will need:

cleaning fruits and vegetables
How to clean fruits and vegetables

1 spray bottle (clean and never used with chemicals)

2 cups water

2 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp baking soda

Mix the ingredients in the spray bottle. The liquid will appear a bit foamy.

To clean fruits and vegetables, simply spray the liquid on the food. Let sit for 5 minutes. Rinse under cold, running water, using a soft scrub brush on the food if desired. And that’s how to clean fruits and vegetables.

How to Clean a Keurig

How to Clean a Keurig

Learning how to clean a keurig will prolong the life of the brewer and ensure it is operating properly.

How to Clean a Keurig Brewer

how to clean a keurig
How to Clean a Keurig

The external components of a Keurig can be cleaned with a soapy, damp, non-abrasive cloth. Do not immerse the brewer in water or any other liquid. The K-Cup holder, funnel, drip plate and drip tray are all dishwasher safe. The removable water reservoir and lid are NOT dishwasher safe so you should wash them by hand with warm, soapy water and a non-abrasive cloth. In order to ensure you don’t contaminate your water supply, ensure that no cleaning solutions or cleaners are in or near the water reservoir.

Be sure to perform a cleansing brew to ensure that the K-Cup holder is clean and clear of residue after brewing hot cocoa, Cafe Escapes or Perfect Iced Tea K-Cup varieties.

How to Clean a Keurig K-Cup Holder

Remove the K-Cup assembly. The K-Cup holder can be washed in the dishwasher. The funnel is also dishwasher safe. To clean the exit needle of coffee grounds or cocoa mix, insert a paper clip into the tube and move it around to loosen the clog and remove debris.

Descale your Brewer

Every 3-6 months, you should descale your Keurig. Although scale is harmless, it can hinder the operation of the brewer. Please see your Keurig instructions applicable to your particular unit.

Learning how to clean a Keurig brewing systems will allow you years of optimal use.

How to Clean a Retainer

How to Clean a Retainer

Since a retainer goes in your mouth, it is really important to know how to clean a retainer.

Methods for How to Clean a Retainer

how to clean a retainer
How to Clean a Retainer

The easiest way to for how to clean a retaineris with a toothbrush and toothpaste. A good time to clean your retainer is when you are brushing your teeth since you already have your toothbrush and toothpaste handy. Put a dab of toothpaste on the toothbrush and scrub all over the retainer. Rinse with clean water.

Another method for how to clean a retainer is with organic castille soap. This has been recommended by dentists. Use a squirt or two of organice castille soap in a small dish of water then soak the retainer. The main ingredients in castille soap are olive oil and coconut oil which do a great job of cleaning the retainer without using any chemicals.

Some orthodontists have a very simply recommendation for how to clean a retainer: soak the retainer in water and one denture cleaning tablet. Use two tablets if the retainer has buildup on it. Soak for 15 minutes then rinse.

Words of caution about how to clean a retainer: do not put the retainer in boiling water as this can damage the retainer, do not soak the retainer in mouthwash that has alcohol in it as this can dry out the retainer and cause it to crack. It is not recommended to use baking soda to clean a retainer because baking soda changes the pH of your mouth and a retainer has the potential to absorb and this puts your gums at risk of exposure.

Be sure to also clean your retainer case before putting your clean retainer away. Simply use warm soapy water to scrub all surfaces of the retainer case. Rinse with clean water and dry.

Dentists recommend that you never let your retainer dry out because tartar and biofilm can start bonding to the retainer. Keep your retainer in your mouth or in distilled water in your retainer case.

Knowing how to clean a retainer is an important part of having one.

How to Clean an Electric Toothbrush

How to Clean an Electric Toothbrush

how to clean an electric toothbrush
How to clean an electric toothbrush

There are two parts to consider when it comes to how to clean an electric toothbrush: the toothbrush head and the electric handle. Keeping both parts clean is important, particularly after you have had a cold or the flu. Some electric toothbrushes do not have a removable toothbrush head (this is a one piece toothbrush) and some do (this is a two piece toothbrush).

How to clean an electric toothbrush head

After each time you brush your teeth, be sure to rinse the toothbrush head thoroughly, getting rid of excess toothpaste or food bits from your mouth. Once a month or so, soak your toothbrush head in a solution of bleach and water (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) for a hour or so. Rinse thoroughly. Wipe the base of the toothbrush head with a clean white cloth dipped in the bleach solution (do this before soaking the toothbrush head). When the toothbrush bristles start to splay open, it is time for a new toothbrush if you have the one piece electric toothbrush or new toothbrush head if you have the two piece kind.

How to clean an electric toothbrush handle

Because the handle is an electrical appliance, it should not be submerged in liquid. Using a bleach and water mixture, dampen a small area of a clean white cloth. Wipe all over the handle. Dip a cotton swab in the bleach and water mixture and wipe out the area where the toothbrush head attaches to the handle (for a two piece toothbrush).

By using your electric toothbrush properly and taking care of it, including learning how to clean an electric toothbrush, you can be sure to get the longest life out of it.

How to Clean Pampered Chef Stoneware

How to Clean Pampered Chef Stoneware

Learning how to clean pampered chef stoneware properly is important because it keeps your stoneware in the best condition possible, allowing you many years of cooking enjoyment. Pampered Chef Stoneware is a natural clay product. It does not require any special cleaning methods or products. In fact, cleaning Pampered Chef Stoneware is the complete opposite! You only need clean, hot water and a nylon scraper. Do not use dishsoap or put your stoneware in the dishwasher with dishwasher detergent. Soap and detergent will cause the food you cook in the stoneware to taste like soap. Yuck.

how to clean pampered chef stoneware
How to Clean Pampered Chef Stoneware

Here’s How to Clean Pampered Chef Stoneware:

General Cleaning

Hand wash your stoneware.

Be sure stoneware is cool.

Soak stoneware in clean, hot water to loosen any stuck-on food.

Using the nylon scraper that came with your stoneware, scrape off any food.

Rinse and thoroughly dry stoneware before putting it away.

Deep Cleaning

To deep clean your stoneware, make a paste of 1/2 cup baking soda and 3 tbsp of water.

Apply the paste to the areas of the stoneware you want to deep clean. Let sit for 15-20 minutes.

Scrape off paste and rinse really well. Dry stoneware thoroughly before putting it away.


Pampered Chef stoneware comes in many different shapes and sizes. These cleaning tips on how to clean Pampered Chef stoneware are applicable to all stoneware dishes.


How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet

How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet

There are do’s and don’ts when it comes to how to clean a cast iron skillet. It is important that you pay attention to these simple instructions so as not to damage your cast iron skillet. If you follow these steps on how to clean a cast iron skillet, you will be able to keep your pan clean, rust-free and well-seasoned.

how to clean a cast iron skillet
How to clean a cast iron skillet


– Clean warm water
– Small plastic scraper
– Sponge, stiff brush and plastic scrubbie
– Clean dry cloth or paper towel
– Vegetable oil or shortening
– Kosher salt (optional)

Instructions on how to clean a cast iron skillet:

It is best to clean your cast iron skillet when after use, when it is still a bit warm. Put the skillet in clean, warm water. Use a small plastic scraper, stiff brush or sponge to remove stuck on food. You can also make a paste of salt and water, then scrub the paste on the bottom of the pan to remove stuck on food. If you have stubborn food residue that won’t come off the skillet, try boiling some water in the pan to loosen the food.

Once the skillet is clean, towel dry the inside. You can also put the skillet on a stove burner on low, but do not leave the pan unattended.

After the skillet is dry, pour a small amount of vegetable oil or melted shortening in the skillet and rub it around with a clean paper towel. This is to re-season the pan.

If you have rust in your cast iron skillet, you can use a bit of steel wool, but you will have to re-season the pan afterwards. You can also clean the rust by rubbing the cut side of a potato and a sprinkle of baking soda on the bottom of the skillet. Rinse well with warm water the re-season the pan.

Do’s and Don’ts on how to clean a cast iron skillet:

Do wash your cast iron skillet after use, when it is still warm.

Do store your skillet in a dry place.

Do re-season your cast iron skillet as needed.

Don’t use dishsoap.

Don’t soak your cast iron pan in water. (This may cause the skillet to rust.)

Don’t put your cast iron skillet in the dishwasher.

Don’t use steel wool as this may strip the seasoning from the skillet.

Now that you know how to clean a cast iron skillet, you can treat yours properly to ensure cooking (and eating) enjoyment for many years!

How to Clean Leaf Stains off Driveway

how to clean leaf stains off driveway
How to clean leaf stains off driveway

The changing colors of fall leaves are truly beautiful but the bright reds, oranges and yellows can stain your driveway so you might want to know how to clean leaf stains off driveway. On a gorgeous, clear fall day, bundle yourself (and your kids) up warmly and head outside to get to work.

How to Clean Leaf Stains off Driveway

Cleaning the leaf stains off your driveway is a great job that kids can do. Rake or sweep any leaves and debris off the area you are planning on cleaning. Periodically, take time to jump in the piles of leaves with your kids! Dispose of the leaves in compost or green waste. Use a hose with high water pressure to spray off the surface dirt. Sprinkle some laundry detergent with bleach or bleach alternative onto the driveway stains. You may find powdered laundry detergent works better than liquid laundry detergent because of its scouring ability but either type of detergent works. Let the detergent sit on the stains for a few minutes then proceed to scrub the area with a heavy duty shop broom or scrub brush.


Use the hose with high water pressure to rinse the area, taking off the soap and dirt, and stain. Be careful not to clog up storm drains with leaves at the end of your driveway or on your street

The Rest of the Driveway:

After you’ve cleaned the leaf stained areas, they will  really stand out from the rest of the driveway. You may wish to clean your entire driveway by hosing it down, sprinkling laundry detergent all around, scrubbing the driveway then rinsing.

Now relax and enjoy the lovely reds, oranges and yellows in your trees and all around you, now you know how to clean leaf stains off driveway.



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