General Information :
Try to develop a regular cleaning schedule for your household chores. This will help in several ways:
-You will keep up your cleaning so you won’t be overwhelmed with too many tasks.
-Your house will be a healthier environment.
-You will have extra time available for larger jobs.
-You will not be so worried about a specific problem like dust on your shelves when you know it will be taken care of at a later specific time.
– Most cleaning is much easier when done regularly, rather than waiting for it to get really dirty.
-Almost all items or surfaces will last longer and look better when lightly cleaned regularly rather than harshly scrubbed infrequently.
-Regular cleaning of many items carpets, furniture and wood – will delay or eliminate the need for expensive, professional cleaning or restoration.
General Information :
Here is a basic guideline for the disposal of household cleaning products.
Solvents and solvent-based cleaners: Consumers should always dispose of these products only after consulting with you local municipality. Also, you can contact the manufacturer for their recommendation. Most areas now have drop-off centers for hazardous waste. To identify these products look for the toxic, flammable or caustic symbols on the package.
Common or Water-soluble Cleaners: These products are mostly biodegradable and designed to be disposed into the sewer system. Most household cleaners, detergents, bleaches and polishes are this type.
Containers: Check your local regulations to see if they accept empty cleaning bottles. Some may be recycled, some thrown away while others need to be taken to a hazardous waster drop off center.
Also, consumers can avoid a lot of problems by using up the cleaners completely or by giving them to somebody who needs them check with local charities.
General Information :
For some people, house cleaning is simply not something they can or want to do. The alternative is to hire a professional. Here are some hints for choosing the right service.
Network with your friends and neighbors to find someone they have been or are presently satisfied with. Otherwise, always ask for and check references.
Be specific about exactly what you want them to do, how often and at what price. Also establish what supplies you need to provide and that the cleaner will let you know when new supplies are needed.
Gold is very easy to clean using a solution of a few drops of dish soap andwater dip your gold and brush lightly with a toothbrush and rinse.
Thereare also metal restorers which restore the luster of badly soiled gold,which are available at better jewelry stores. They actually lightly buffthe surface also removing scratches and restoring the gold to its originalluster. But this is not recommended all the time since an ultra thin layerof the gold is removed in the process.
My brother got a red wine stain on a very expensive cotton sweater.
Thedrycleaners could not remove it. My mother (80 years old) took it outusing “Efferdent” for dentures and cold water. She soaked it (I’m notsure how long). Then washed in cold water as usual.
General Information :
Wood furniture cleaning products fall into a few basic categories.
Polishes: either aerosol or liquid; generally contain wax usually carnuba silicone agents for dust repelling and detergents. These products are mainly effective fro dust control and mild cleaning. Any surface enhancement a glossier finish is mainly cosmetic. Newer, well -finished furniture will not gain any luster, in fact, polishes can inhibit appearance with build-up, yellowing or faster re-soiling due to a tacky residue. The exception is for antique or older pieces, which cannot be re-finished properly. A regular program of waxing with carnuba/non silicone products will keep the wood properly conditioned.
Wood Cleaners: Mild soap based products designed especially for wood. Used in accordance with directions wood cleaners will effectively clean wood furniture of dust, lesser stains, fingerprints etc. Be careful to avoid over-wetting, vigorous rubbing and over-mixing.
Oil-Based Wood Cleaners: Containing high amounts of oil these products will clean and condition the wood. Some may also contain wax. Oil-based cleaners are most effective when the original finish has worn thin and bare wood is exposed.
Oil Refinishing: For teak, mahogany etc. some wood furniture is treated rubbed with oil on bare wood. These surfaces need a re-infusion of oil to keep them conditioned properly. Consult an expert a furniture dealer for the best product and program for your specific wood surface.
Using coaster, placemats, tablecloths is the best defense for your wood furniture. Wiping up any spills especially liquids right away is of paramount importance. Wood furniture needs to be dusted frequently and cleaned regularly. Mild detergent and a damp cloth are as effective as almost any commercial product. Commercial polishes, wood cleaners are necessary in only some cases. If in doubt, consult an expert.
Environmentally Friendly Solution :
Mixing a small amount of vinegar with an equal measure of olive oil is an effective cleaner for most wood surfaces.
Available products:
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Tools & Technique :
Use a cleaner specific to the surface of the fixture when a deep cleaning is required.
For example, use brass polish on brass fixtures. Use mild detergent for regular cleaning. Avoid bathroom cleaners and/or abrasives. Both can pit and scratch.
Tools & Technique :
To prevent bathtub rings and soap-scum build-up, give your bathtub a quick wipe down with a soft cloth or sponge after every use.
Weekly cleaning with a mild detergent will keep your bathtub surfaces quite clean. If your bathtub has build-up of scale or soap-scum use a nylon brush or scrub pad with a multi purpose detergent. Never use abrasive cleaners or steel wool, especially on fiberglass or acrylic tubs. Specialized Tools & Chemicals :
A good rust remover should be able to remove discoloration without scrubbing. Check the label to be sure it can be used on your particular bathtub surface.