Carpet stain removal can be a challenge. To get the best results, avoid these top 5 carpet stain removal mistakes:
Start spraying chemicals – Please DON’T do this! It is unnecessary if you act quickly in removing the stain. Using a dry towel, tamp down and absorb as much of the stain first, or scoop or scrape up as much as you can. Over loading stain with chemicals is a sure way to set stains and make them harder to remove. Only after you have done this should you introduce chemicals. Use measured amounts, being sure to rinse the chemicals out so if the stain persists, you are not mixing chemicals by trying different products together. Leaving chemical or soap residue will only attract dirt faster once the area is dry.
Use heat on stain – The default should ALWAYS be to USE COOL WATER.
Carpet Stain Removal Mistakes
Using heat on some stains, like dairy products, will set them. Certain stains will respond to warm or hot water but if you do not know what the stain is use cool water always.
Scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing – BE GENTLE. When cleaning, we often scrub the back and forth action which works well when you are cleaning pots and pans, but it just doesn’t work for carpets. Most carpets have an underlay. The scrubbing and pushing action just pushes the stain deeper into the carpet and underlay. You have to be thinking about how to lift the stain from the carpet. Vigorous scrubbing only makes it harder to remove.
Leave stain 100% of the time, LEAVING THE STAIN UNTIL LATER WILL MAKE IT HARDER TO REMOVE. In the worst-case scenario, if you have to leave a spill on carpet, place a dry towel on top of a spill so some of it can soak into the towel. And only use a white or light colored towel to avoid any possible color transfer from the towel to the carpet. Leaving stain to dry will set the stain most of the time.
Not pre-testing – When using any new cleaning chemicals, ALWAYS PRE-TEST in a small, inconspicuous area of carpet. You always want to be sure the cleaning chemicals won’t react with carpet and cause damage to the surface you are cleaning.
There are some steps to follow after carpet cleaning.
After carpet cleaning, follow these suggestions:
set up fans to blow across the carpets to help speed up the drying process
After carpet cleaning
be sure you have windows open or you’ve turned on your heat (furnace) or air conditioner
do not move any furniture back onto the carpet until it is completely dry
put a small piece of plastic under furniture feet on chairs, tables couches etc if the furniture has any metal under the feet. If the metal gets wet, it can rust and leave a rust spot on the carpet.
do not walk on the carpet with dirty shoes or feet. It is a good idea to wash the bottoms of any indoor shoes that you are going to walk on the carpet with.
do not put towels, newspapers, sheets etc. on the carpet
be careful on hard floors like linoleum because they will be slippery
after the carpet is completely dry, vacuum.
After carpet cleaning, follow these simple steps to ensure proper drying and to get the best carpet cleaning results possible.
Before carpet cleaning, whether you are doing it yourself or if you’ve hired a carpet cleaning company, there are a few steps to get the area prepared:
pick up all area rugs and mats
remove items from under beds and from inside closets, if the carpets are being cleaned in there
pick up all small items off the carpet
remove all small items that are on furniture that will be moved
move all light furniture from the room
open windows for cross ventilation and have fans ready to set up
if you are not able to open lots of windows, turn on your heat (furnace) or air conditioner
Professional carpet cleaning is the most misunderstood of the professional cleaning industries. Often referred to as steam cleaning, professional carpet cleaning has evolved of the years and there are five methods being used today to professionally clean carpets. Steam cleaning is not a good way to describe any of the commonly used methods for cleaning carpets today.
There are many reasons for professional carpet cleaning, one it will increase the life of your carpets to have them cleaned regularly. The dirt embedded in the carpets rub together to prematurely wear out the carpet fibres. The appearance is better with clean carpets; health is improved with less soil and or dust in the home etc.
Professional Carpet Cleaning
Hot Water Extraction
The method commonly referred to as steam cleaning is better referred to as Hot water Extraction. This is where you apply a pre-spray and use agitation and a hot water rinse to remove the soap and soil. The agitation can come in the form of a machine applying pressure with brushes or simply using the wand which vacuums up the hot water sprayed on to the carpets to rinse out the pre-spray. There are different chemical requirements depending on whether or not the carpet is a synthetic or natural carpet fiber.
Extraction is by far the most important step in this process. Since the hot-water extraction method uses much more water than other methods like bonnet or shampoo cleaning, proper extraction and air flow are critical to avoid drying issues. Drying time may also be decreased by extra use of fans, air conditioning, and/or outdoor ventilation.
Older surfaces, such as double jute-backed carpets and loose rugs with natural foundation yarns, could shrink after a wet treatment. Newer carpets, such as with synthetic backing and foundation yarns, do not shrink, and they smooth easily. The variety in carpet types and situations make a good argument to always use a professional carpet cleaner who has been trained and certified.
Wet-cleaning systems naturally require drying time, which has led to customer fears and concerns about very slow drying, the risk of discoloration returning during drying, and odors, bacteria, fungi, molds, and mildews. Balancing the need for rapid drying (attributable to lower flow rate through the cleaning jets of a spray system) and the need to remove the most soil (attributable to higher flow rate) is a key technique that must be mastered by carpet-cleaning technicians.
Dry compound
A 98% biodegradable cleaning compound may be spread evenly over carpet and brushed or scrubbed in. For small areas, a household hand brush can work such a compound into carpet pile; dirt and grime is attracted to the compound, which is then vacuumed off, leaving carpet immediately clean and dry. For commercial applications, a specially designed cylindrical counter-rotating brushing system is used, without a vacuum cleaner. Machine scrubbing is more typical, in that hand scrubbing generally cleans only the top third of carpet.
In the 1990s, new polymers began literally encapsulating (crystallizing) soil particles into dry residues on contact, in a process now regarded by the industry as a growing, up-and-coming technology working like “tiny sponges”, the deep-cleaning compound crystals dissolve and absorb dirt prior to its removal from the carpet. Cleaning solution is applied by rotary machine, brush applicator, or compression sprayer. Dry residue can be vacuumed immediately, either separately or from a built-in unit of the cleaning-system machine. According to ICS Cleaning Specialist, evidence suggests encapsulation improves carpet appearance, compared to other systems; and it is favorable in terms of high-traffic needs, operator training, equipment expense, and lack of wet residue. Encapsulation also avoids the drying time of carpet shampoos, making the carpet immediately available for use.
The use of encapsulation to create a crystalline residue that can be immediately vacuumed (as opposed to the dry powder residue of wet cleaning systems, which generally requires an additional day before vacuuming).
After a pre-spray is applied onto the surface as mist, a round buffer or “bonnet” scrubs the mixture with rotating motion. This industry machine resembles a floor buffer, with an absorbent spin pad that attracts soil and is rinsed or replaced repeatedly. The bonnet method is not strictly dry-cleaning and involves significant drying time, and usually only addresses the top third of carpet, making it a quick solution rather than a deep cleaning of dirt or odor as considered suitable for valuable carpet. To reduce pile distortion, the absorbent p ad should be kept well-lubricated with cleaning solution.
When there is a large amount of foreign material below the carpet backing, extraction with a wet process may be needed. The spin-bonnet method may not be as capable of sanitizing carpet fibers due to the lack of hot water, but a post-cleaning application of an antimicrobial agent is used to make up for this. Compared to steam cleaning, the small amounts of water required with spin-bonnet carpet cleaning favor water-conservation considerations.
Professional Carpet Cleaning
Wet shampoo cleaning with rotary machines, followed by thorough wet vacuuming, was widespread until about the 1970s, but industry perception of shampoo cleaning changed with the advent of encapsulations. Hot-water extraction, also regarded as preferable, had not been introduced either. Wet shampoos were once formulated from coconut oil soaps] wet shampoo residues can be foamy or sticky, and steam cleaning often reveals dirt un-extracted by shampoos. Since no rinse is performed, the powerful residue can continue to collect dirt after cleaning. This method is not commonly used today by professional carpet cleaners.
There are many factors to consider when cleaning and maintaining your carpets in most cases carpet cleaning is not a do it yourself type job and there are many good reasons to proceed with a professional carpet cleaning when you are looking to get your carpets cleaned.
New carpet can improve the appearance of any room, but how can carpet that is walked on every day continue looking new? To keep your carpet clean, it’s necessary to vacuum regularly with a strong, well-functioning and properly-filtered vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, due to traffic, children, pets and normal wear, carpet fibers inevitably become soiled, and a dull appearance results. And no matter how much you vacuum, eventually you will need to call a professional carpet cleaner for a professional carpet cleaning.
Regular professional cleaning using a Certified Firm is as important to your carpet as having a trained mechanic perform routine tune-ups on your car. While your carpet may appear clean on the surface, periodic cleaning by a certified technician can remove what you can’t see and help your carpet retain its fresh, beautiful appearance.
Carpet Cleaning
The largest association which certifies and trains carpet cleaners is the unfortunately anyone can by carpet cleaning equipment, but all too often they have no training which can lead to poor carpet cleaning or outright damage to your carpet or upholstery.
General Info:
Be sure to check the helpful hints for the Do’s and Don’ts of stain removal and Six Sure Ways to Set Stains.
Tools & Chemicals:
Dish washing or fine fabric detergent, white terry towels, white vinegar, warm water, measuring cup, spoon, vacuum.
Work on removing the stain as soon as you notice it. The longer the stain is left on the carpet the greater the chances are of the stain setting.
In every case remove all excess wet or dry material before attempting to clean. Blot wet materials using a white terry towel (check helpful hints for a detailed description of blotting). Vacuum excess dry materials or gently scrape up materials with a spoon.
Mix 1/2 tsp. of dish washing soap or fine fabric detergent into 1 (8 oz.)cup of warm water.
Apply a small amount, blot or tamp and repeat until the stain is removed. Be patient. Complete removal may require repeating the same step several times. Tamp down on the carpet, do not scrub as this may distort the texture of the pile.
Cover the stain with the towel and press down repeatedly to absorb the stain material and detergent.
Once the stain is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry white terry towel until all moisture is removed. Repeat this process several times to remove cleaning solution residue. (Residue can attract soils).
If the spot or stain turns brownish when dry, mix 1 part white vinegar and two parts water. Apply a small amount and blot. Repeat only once.
Never use a stronger concentration than is recommended. Never laundry detergent or automatic dish washing detergents because they may destroy or dye some fibers.
Really the number one best remedy is to act very quickly. This is the best way to treat any stain. In fact this weekend I was painting my daughters room when I carelessly rolled the paint roller onto the carpet, not just a little drop of paint either. I left at least a 3 by 2 inch blotch of paint on the carpet. So immediately I grab several terry towels and cleaning cloths and a cup of water (thankfully the paint was water based). I blot up with the dry terry cleaning towel, and then apply water to the stain and blot using a dry towel until the stain was completely removed. This took several applications of a little water and blotting action with the dry towels. Leaving this stain for any amount of time would have left the carpet with a permanent purple stain. However the quick action left no evidence of my carelessness.
Here are some other general carpet cleaning tips:
Blot or scrape up if the spill is thicker than a regular liquid (cat vomit etc.), remove as much as you can this first.
Never scrub or rub a spill, you will end up spreading and pushing the stain deeper.
Apply water or stain remover from the outside in on the stain and blot up…
If you use a stain remover test a small spot first in an unseen area to be sure its safe on your carpet. However if you act right away most stains can be cleaning with water and a small amount of dish detergent mixed in, then rinse with plain water.
To remove egg stains from the carpet act quickly! When egg dries it can become semi-permenant, so acting fast will help increase your odds of success.
First scrape up as much of the egg as possible, and use a spatula or the pancake flipper to scrape off as much of the egg as possible.
Mix a solution of warm water, a small amount of dish detergent, and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.
Apply half of this solution to the stained area, and with paper towel or a clean dry rag, blot up the water solution until the area is dried.
Repeat the process with half the remaining vinegar solution, and again blot up.
Repeat one last time if required, to remove the last of the egg residue from the carpet.
This should remove the vast majority of the egg residue, and prevent a permenant hardened stain in your carpet. It would be wise to perform a full carpet extraction as soon as possible to ensure all the residue has been removed – but use the vinegar solution before you call the carpet stain cleaners or head to the grocery store to rent an extractor or it may be to late to remove the stain!
General Info:
Be sure to check the helpful hints for the Do’s and Don’ts of stain removal and Six Sure Ways to Set Stains.
Tools & Chemicals:
Ammonia (household strength),dish washing or fine fabric detergent, white terry towels, white vinegar, warm water, measuring cup, spoon.
Work on removing the stain as soon as you notice it. The longer the stain is left on the carpet the greater the chances are of the stain setting.
In every case remove all excess wet or dry material before attempting to clean. Blot wet materials using a white terry towel (check helpful hints for a detailed description of blotting). Vacuum excess dry materials or gently scrape up materials with a spoon.
Mix 2 tablespoon of HOUSEHOLD ammonia in one(1) cup of water.
Apply a small amount of the mixed solution to the white terry towel and blot on the stain. Continue intil no further transfer of the stain is apparent. If the stain remains proceed to the next step.
Mix 1/2 tsp. of dish washing soap or fine fabric detergent into 1 (8 oz.)cup of warm water.
Apply a small amount, blot or tamp and repeat until the stain is removed. Be patient. Complete removal may reqiure repeating the same step several times. Tamp down on the carpet, do not scrub as this may distort the texture of the pile.
Cover the stain with the towel and press down repeatedly to absorb the stain material and detergent.
Once the stain is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry white terry towel until all moisture is removed. Repeat this process several times to remove cleaning solution residue. (Residue can attract soils).
If the spot or stain turns brownish when dry, mix 1 part white vinegar and two parts water. Apply a small amount and blot. Repeat only once.
Never use a stronger concentration than is recommended.
Never use laundry detergent or automatic dish washing detergents because they may destroy or dye some fibers.Industrial strength ammonia should be mixed according to manufacture recommendations.
General Info:
Be sure to check the helpful hints for the Do’s and Don’ts of stain removal and Six Sure Ways to Set Stains.
Tools & Chemicals:
Ammonia (household strength),dish washing or fine fabric detergent, white terry towels, white vinegar, warm water, measuring cup, spoon. Technique:
Work on removing the stain as soon as you notice it. The longer the stain is left on the carpet the greater the chances are of the stain setting.
In every case remove all excess wet or dry material before attempting to clean. Blot wet materials using a white terry towel (check helpful hints for a detailed description of blotting). Vacuum excess dry materials or gently scrape up materials with a spoon.
Mix 2 tablespoon of HOUSEHOLD ammonia in one(1) cup of water.
Apply a small amount of the mixed solution to the white terry towel and blot on the stain. Continue intil no further transfer of the stain is apparent. If the stain remains proceed to the next step.
Mix 1/2 tsp. of dish washing soap or fine fabric detergent into 1 (8 oz.)cup of warm water.
Apply a small amount, blot or tamp and repeat until the stain is removed. Be patient. Complete removal may reqiure repeating the same step several times. Tamp down on the carpet, do not scrub as this may distort the texture of the pile.
Cover the stain with the towel and press down repeatedly to absorb the stain material and detergent.
Once the stain is completely removed, rinse the area with cold water; blot with a dry white terry towel until all moisture is removed. Repeat this process several times to remove cleaning solution residue. (Residue can attract soils).
If the spot or stain turns brownish when dry, mix 1 part white vinegar and two parts water. Apply a small amount and blot. Repeat only once.
Never use a stronger concentration than is recommended.
Never use laundry detergent or automatic dish washing detergents because they may destroy or dye some fibers.
Industrial strength ammonia should be mixed according to manufacture recommendations.