
Finding The Right Cleaning Service

General Information :
For some people, house cleaning is simply not something they can or want to do. The alternative is to hire a professional. Here are some hints for choosing the right service.

Network with your friends and neighbors to find someone they have been or are presently satisfied with. Otherwise, always ask for and check references.

Be specific about exactly what you want them to do, how often and at what price. Also establish what supplies you need to provide and that the cleaner will let you know when new supplies are needed.


This question was submitted from John.

“How do I clean gold?”

Try these techniques :

Gold is very easy to clean using a solution of a few drops of dish soap andwater dip your gold and brush lightly with a toothbrush and rinse.

Thereare also metal restorers which restore the luster of badly soiled gold,which are available at better jewelry stores. They actually lightly buffthe surface also removing scratches and restoring the gold to its originalluster. But this is not recommended all the time since an ultra thin layerof the gold is removed in the process.

Granite Tombstone

This question was submitted from Bob D.

“How do I remove black marks, probably mould, from a polished granite tombstone? How do I clean up a tombstone generally?”

Usually, you don’t want to use harsh chemicals on stone like granite or marble.

Try these techniques :

If the problem is mildew, a mild solution of 1 part bleach and 4 parts water will kill the mildew. I am not a stone expert and am unsure if granite will have a negative reaction to bleach – I expect it would not, but it would be best to test a small area first.

Otherwise, use a neutral detergent (dish soap and water) or any other neutral cleaner (Ph of 7; this would exclude ammonia or acid based chemicals).

You can use superfine stainless steel (#0000) if the stains are stubborn, or a plastic scrubber.

If you are going out to a cemetery bring a large Tupperware container with your soap solution mix with hot water – so if it takes sometime to arrive it will at least be warm.

If possible bring a container with clean water for rinsing.


General information:
Sweep up large debris first. Absorb any oils or gas with commercial absorbents or cat litter.

Tools & chemicals:
Medium to stiff broom, degreaser or heavy duty cleaning chemical, hose or pressure sprayer.

Sweep up the absorbent before proceeding. Then hose off the driveway. The less debris that is left on the driveway, the easier it is to hose off. A broom and hose can be used for any kind of driveway (concrete, stamped concrete, brick, asphalt, aggregate stone). You can use specialized products, which narrow the water stream from a regular hose in order to give a stronger directional spray. For stained or heavily soiled driveways, use a stiff or deck type brush and general detergent and water to scrub the driveway before hosing. You can use a stronger ammonia type detergent and water or for extra heavily soiled driveways, or you can use a TSP mixture.

Environmentally friendly method:
Use a pressure sprayer, which will eliminate the need for soap or at least reduce the need. It should be noted that the higher the pressure from the sprayer, the higher the possibility of removing the driveway sealant. Using less than 1500 PSI on the pressure sprayer should be adequate to clean the driveway without removing the sealant. Also, watch that you don’t further damage any crumbling concrete by using the pressure sprayer directly on the area.

Expanding Foam

General Info:

Expanding Foam comes in an aresol can, which reacts to air when it is sprayed, expanding and hardening into a solid foam. This product is most commonly used for form fitting unusual shaped objects for shipping, filling cracks in exterior walls for insulation and to prevent access by pests.

Tools & Chemicals:

Acetone, an old rag, pecut strips of cardboard or small pieces of wood, tools.


  • If this foam ends up where you don’t want it, act immediatley! When this stuff cures it is absolutley permanent, forever and ever, until the end of time. Take the small pieces of cardboard and scrape off any excess. Throw this piece of carboard with the waste foam away now, put it down and you will get foam everywhere!
  • Be sure the area is well ventilated and there are no open flames! Pour some acetone onto the old rag. Using the rag, wipe away any residue that the cardboard did not remove. Use caution as acetone will damage some painted and plastic surfaces.
  • Throw this old rag away once you have used it!
  • If the foam has hardened, which means it has cured the only means of removal is mechanical (cutting, grinding, scraping).
  • Use whatever tools are nessecary to remove the excess foam, it can be cut, ground down, sanded filed, scraped, and the remaining residue can be removed with a wire brush. These actions are also likely to damage the surface that the foam is on.
  • There is no way to remove ‘fresh’ or cured foam from clothing. It is permanent.

How to dispose of antifreeze

General Info:

These disposal methods are commonly accepted, however your local government may have specific instruction and bylaws for safe disposal. To be certain of any restriction contact your local government or waste disposal utility.


  • For small amounts dilute with water and pour into the drain or toilet. Do NOT do this if you are disposing of large quantities or if you have a septic system
  • For large quantities take to a designated recycling centre, or return to manufacturer for re-proccesing

How to dispose of empty aersol cans

General Info:

These disposal methods are commonly accepted, however your local government may have specific instruction and bylaws for safe disposal. To be certain of any restriction contact your local government or waste disposal utility.


  • Throw out with the regular trash. Never throw into a fire, or incinerate.

Bathing a Ferret


    • I quickly learned that the best results come from being prepared. Gather the shampoo, conditioning rinse (optional), and towels at the bath site. A deep sink or a tub will work best, as anything too shallow will encourage escapees! Prepare a draft-free drying areaperhaps the floor of a ferret-proofed bathroom with a pile of absorbent towels or blankets that your fuzzy friend can burrow through. Clean his ears and trim his nails first, if needed, since those can be messy tasks. And finally, encourage the ferret to visit the litter box before heading to the bath.

  • When running your ferret’s bath, make sure the water feels quite warm to you but is not scalding. Remember that your ferret’s normal body temperature is higher than yours; you want her to be comfortable.
  • Oh no, not shampoo! But into every ferret life a little soap must come. Select either a shampoo made specifically for ferrets or a kitten-safe tearless shampoo. If your ferret seems comfortable standing on the non-slip mat, put a hand under her belly to support her spine while washing. Otherwise, drape her along your arm to support her body, letting her legs dangle on either side. Work the shampoo into her fur by rubbing against the direction of growth to get through that dense undercoat.
  • Use a washcloth to safely scrub the ferret’s cheeks; the glands there secrete sebum, which may discolor the fur, and hormones in the sebum leave an odor. And don’t forget the tail!
  • The bathwater may cool quickly, so try rinsing your ferret under running water to ensure warmth and a faster, easier rinse. Using a conditioning rinse may result in silkier-feeling fur for a while. Again, working the rinse into the dense fur is the key to a good result. Once she realizes the bath is over, your ferret will try to fly out of your arms like a damp rocket, so be quick with a towel for a brisk rub! Then let her loose in the drying area and sit back for a laugh. Expect a bottlebrush tail, chattered complaints, war dancing, frantic shaking, and a general blur of fur as your girl indignantly bounces off of everything in sight!

And here’s the most important tip: Don’t overbathe your ferret! For most ferrets, once every 3 months or when getting into a mess demands it is plenty. More frequent bathing may actually result in a stinky, itchy ferret. Washing strips the oils from fur and skin, causing the body to work overtime to replace them. Since the oils are what contain the light musky odor of a normal ferret, the smell may become stronger within a couple of days of bathing, then fade again. Better to be scrupulous about clean litter boxes and weekly changes of cloth bedding to keep your ferret fresh!

Hamster’s Cage

Tools & Techniques: Animal safe cleaner,newpaper,cleaning rags

General Info: A dirty cage brings more potentail for infection and sickness for your Hamster as bacteria grows freely in a dirty wet environment.


1. Clean the cage floor twice a week by removing the litter and cleaning the inside of the cage completely. Place newpapers all around and under the cage. Remove toys, wheels,food trays, etc.

2. Remove all the bedding and clean the bottom using the animal safe cleaner and rinse with water. Roll up the newpaper will all the bedding etc. and throw in garbage.

3. Clean all the toys food trays etc., do not use soap on food trays just warm or hot water and a rag or sponge.

4. Never use phenols or carbolic acid type cleaning chemicals like the kind you might find in the grocery store. They contain chemicals that are harmful to your pet.

5. Always follow the instructions on any chemical you may buy for you pet. If you clean on a regular basis it will reduce the need for allot of chemicals keeping your pet safer.


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